
What is a clinic?

The Saskatoon Photography Club holds Clinics to give the members a chance to select digital images/prints to be critiqued by 2 Member Judges and one External Judge, and receive constructive feedback. Members are encouraged to post their own critique in the COMMENT section for each photo in the Clinic Gallery.

That is why the word “clinic” is used. The clinic provides a forum to have work evaluated for its strengths and weaknesses. The photographer is allowed to make changes based on any suggestions made, and submit an improved version to any future Club Competition. Entries are submitted on the dates designated in the Club Calendar. A critique session takes place the following week.

What is a competition?

The Saskatoon Photography Club holds fall & winter competitions, Photo Presentation and a Year End Competitions (Traditional Colour, Monochrome, Altered Reality & Portrait). These are judged by professional photographers from our community.  Comments and scores are given to the submissions.  All current topics included in the brochure.

Year End Categories

Image submissions can be entered in each of the following categories:

Traditional (Colour)

 Images depict the subject matter in a realistic, objective manner as seen by the photographer. Images have little post- production other than some cropping, straightening and colour (contrast and saturation) work done to improve the photographic presentation of the subject. Long exposure and minimal (realistic) HDR techniques are accepted in this category. Heavily manipulated images must be entered in the ‘Altered Reality’ category. Think “digital correction” for this category.

Black and White / Monochrome

Images depict the subject matter in a realistic, objective manner as seen by the photographer. By removing the range of colour, an image is left with basic lines, textures and forms. Find a subject that has any or all of these elements as well as good contrast and you will have a great black and white image. For this category, any monochrome image is acceptable – black and white, sepia, blue tone etc. Long exposure techniques are also accepted in this category. Heavily manipulated images must be entered in the ‘Altered Reality’ category.

Altered Reality

Manipulate your own photographs to create surreal, abstract, impressionistic, or unrealistic images.  Experiment with either in-camera or post processing software using special effects, montages, collages, composites, heavy HDR, or any other technique. There is no limit to what you can do! Be creative, but at the same time try to make your image look less like it might belong in the Traditional category. If you think in terms of “artistic” – that’s the image we’re looking for. Think “digital manipulation – creating art” for this category.



Print Submissions

  • Must be taken by the entrant.
  • Entries must be submitted on the designated date set out in the Club Calendar.
  • Digital copies must be sent online via our Submissions Page in order for them to be critiqued. If a digital copy is not sent, the print image will not be critiqued.
  • Prints submitted in any Saskatoon Photography Club clinic can be re-entered in any future competition of the Saskatoon Photography Club. You are even allowed to make corrections suggested during the critique night.

Physical Sizes

  • All prints must be the specified size for the category unless otherwise stated.
  • Popular:  8″ x 10″ print plus a mat
  • Maximum: 18″ x 24″ overall (with mat)
  • Minimum: 8″ x 10″ (without mat)

Label on Back

Name of Entrant
Category: Traditional (Color), Black and White, Altered Reality (Creative)
Clinic or Competition Title
Date of Clinic or Competition

Click here download a PDF of the labels

Putting your submission together

  • All prints must be mounted with a stiff backing (foam core preferred) unless otherwise stated
  • Matte is optional. If matted, please make sure it is taped sufficiently. No scotch tape. Masking tape or painters tape seems to work well.
  • Framed work will not be accepted.
  • All prints must be submitted in a sturdy cardboard folder or firm bubble pack envelope.

Digital Image Submissions

Image Preparation & Requirements

The Print and Slide/Digital Committees will interpret and apply these rules at each club competition and have the right to reject any entry not properly presented or labeled.

File Type

  • Images must be submitted as JPEGs. Mac users must add .jpg or .jpeg extension.

Method of Submission

  • Images can be uploaded via our Submissions Page no later than 10pm on the submission deadline date.
  • Remember that only club members can submit to any club competitions.

Upload your submissions to our Submission Page

File Requirements

  • We strongly recommend that you send us your full resolution photo.
  • Images must be in the proper orientation for viewing when projected.
  • Images do not have to have a 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • We do not limit the file sizes when submitting

Minimum File Requirements for our Projector

  • The optimal viewing area is 1280 x 800 (width x height) per image
  • Vertical images have a minimum height of 800 pixels tall.
  • sRGB
  • Image submitted smaller than these resolutions will be shown at their submitted dimensions

Year-end Presentation Submissions


  1. Use any style for your presentation (travelogue, photo essay, multi-projector)
  2. Digital presentation or you can use a slide projector
  3. Recommended 4-6 minutes, 7 minutes max.
  4. Digital projector resolution: 1280 x 800 (Shows can also be viewed at 1024 x 768)
  5. Digital Images: 72 dpi minimum
  6. Narration or music recommended

Create a Photo Slideshow in PowerPoint

This is how we quickly assemble our monthly slideshow for judging and results night.

1. Open PowerPoint
2. Choose Insert > Picture >New Photo Album…
3. Enter your options into the Photo Album dialog box…
4. Click Create and then edit the order, add text, add transitions, change background….

Detailed How-To: