Register Now for 2025 FIAP Distinctions
If you live in the USA, are a member of the Photographic Alliance of America (PAA), that is, a member of a PSA-member club in the USA and an individual member of PSA; it is time for you to begin your submission for a 2025 FIAP Distinction. FIAP Distinction information can be found at: https://psa-photo.org/page/paa-distinctions and you can begin the process by submitting an online FIAP Distinction Registration Form now: https://psa-photo.org/page/paa-distinctions-registerRegistration closes January 10, 2025.
New Assessment Dates for Portfolio Distinctions
The PSA Portfolio Distinctions Committee announces the first of three assessment cycles in 2025. Cycle One opens on February 1 and closes on February 28, or until 20 portfolio submissions are received. PSA’s Portfolio Distinctions program offers members an exciting, different way to display a body their work and obtain ROPA. For more information go to recognition.
Volunteer Opportunity: Exhibition Recognition Directors (ERDs)
Directors are needed to oversee exhibition applications and operations to ensure adherence with Exhibition Standards and policies at the Exhibition Recognition Service. They grant PSA recognition once applications are in compliance and are the main point of communication between a chairperson and the PSA. The ERDs are encouraged to monitor the Award Meetings and ensure that any complaints from entrants are resolved.
For more information please contact the Executive Director of Exhibition Services, Buket Ozatay, [email protected]
Serve on the Pictorial Print Committee’s (PPD) Executive Committee
Help manage PPD programs, competitions and share new ideas for the division. PPD is in need of a Secretary, starting now. This is a 2 year position. Please consider joining this Board and sharing your knowledge. To apply for the position, please send an email to Paul Halphen, PPD chair, at [email protected] for additional information
PSA Interclub Updates
Calendar Deadlines for 2024-25Round 1: Nov 15, Round 2: Feb 15, Round 3: April 15 Midnight Central USA time.
New PSA Membership Clubs can still apply, depending on room. Register at https://psa-photo.org/page/interclub-overview. Interclub Competitions include Color, Monochrome, Nature, Photo Travel, and/or Photo Print. And 3D . All competition rounds are held three times during the year with an End of Year competition of Merit Images.
Read and enjoy the new Pictorial Print Newsletter
The newest edition of ‘The Final Print’ (October 2024) has been published. To read it, just follow the link below. Older issues are also available the page https://psa-photo.org/page/mo-ppd-newsletter. If you would like to receive your own personal copy of future issues, please notify the editor listed on the web page.
2024 PSA Newsletter Competition Results Available.
The winning submissions are available on the Competition page: psa-photo.org/page/newsletter-contest. This competition is open to all PSA member clubs, chapters, divisions and councils. Please see details and the “Guidance to Editors” document on this page. For additional information
please contact the Newsletter competition Director at: [email protected].
Join the PPD Print Study Groups
The PPD Print Study Groups welcome anyone who wishes to improve their printing and get feedback on their prints. Within each group of 4-7 members, each mails a packet of actual prints to the next member on the schedule. Everyone comments on each others’ prints, changes out their own print, and mails it on. There are color groups and monochrome groups. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. Bethe King
Join a Photojournalism Image Discussion Group
To increase your chance of success in photojournalism, join a PJ IDG (Image Discussion Group). There are IDGs for sports, human interest and general PJ, with up to seven members each. Once a month each member submits an image for comment, and shares their thoughts on those submitted by the others. Because there is also an opportunity to reply to the comments, this can lead to consensus on how to improve an image, and often a simple suggestion can make it successful. To get involved, contact the director Donna Osborne at [email protected]. Membership is free to PSA members but, as new groups form, there can be a waiting list to join.
If you have a notice to go out in the e-News please contact Barbara Kuebler, FPSA, MPSA, EFIAP at [email protected] The deadline for the next e-News is January 8, 2025.