
Greg will share his tips and tricks for taking amazing photos of extreme weather and beautiful landscapes.
Unless you have only very recently joined the photography ranks, it’s very likely that the camera on your phone has close to the same potential that your first digital camera did. We will explore ways to harness the possibilities of your phone camera, whether as a backup camera or your main device. We will also touch on some of the creative features that current devices have built in to take your phoneography beyond the basics.
November 5, 2024
7:00 pm
We will have a variety of Camera Club members discuss what they use. Pro and cons for what they currently have. Wishlist for what they want. Great talk before Black Friday and Christmas. Presenters include Scott Prokop (Real Estate), Brent Just (Sports), Ron Cooley (Macro, Abstract), Bruce Guenter (Macro) and Cheryl Lalonde (nature).
November 19, 2024
7:00 pm
We will go out and take photos at a special location.
A presentation focusing on the science of aurora, how to find them and how to capture their beauty