
Upcoming Events
Join us for thrilling events! Live music, workshops, art exhibits, and more! Mark your calendars and don't miss out!
September 24, 2024
Capture the essence of heat in its many forms! From the blazing sun and fiery flames to sizzling street scenes and steamy moments, show us what “hot” means to you.
September 24, 2024
Greg will share his tips and tricks for taking amazing photos of extreme weather and beautiful landscapes.
September 28, 2024
Road trip North from Saskatoon to Redberry Lake. We will be stopping at a few churches and cemeteries, a roadside diner with some old vehicles and machinery, some old abandoned farm sites and the Redberry Lake Biosphere. Date:  September 28, 2024Time:  9:00 – 9:30  meet at Flying J (Marquis Dr. And Idylwyld Dr. N. )           9:30 leave Flying J and drive  North on Hwy 12  Meeting Location :  Flying J parking lot, South of Denny’s Contact Name:   Howard Ruston 306-717-1004
October 1, 2024
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition.  The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be October 1, 2024. Competition Details
October 1, 2024
Unless you have only very recently joined the photography ranks, it’s very likely that the camera on your phone has close to the same potential that your first digital camera did. We will explore ways to harness the possibilities of your phone camera, whether as a backup camera or your main device. We will also touch on some of the creative features that current devices have built in to take your phoneography beyond the basics.
October 8, 2024
Matt will share his insight and knowledge as a professional photographer.
October 10, 2024
 Submit October 10th and Review Submissions and Judges Comments November 26th Topics: Rules: Upload your images to our online Submissions Page
October 15, 2024
The purpose of the clinic is to provide instruction through constructive critical comment and evaluation. Remember, it is not a competition, Critiques are done in a general forum with one External Judge and 2 Judges who are Club Members.
October 22, 2024
Members share their favorite photos from the summer fun events and fall field trip
November 5, 2024
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition.  The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be November 5, 2024. Competition Details.
November 5, 2024
We will have a variety of Camera Club members discuss what they use. Pro and cons for what they currently have. Wishlist for what they want. Great talk before Black Friday and Christmas. Presenters include Scott Prokop (Real Estate), Brent Just (Sports), Ron Cooley (Macro, Abstract), Bruce Guenter (Macro) and Cheryl Lalonde (nature).
November 12, 2024
Branimir is a biologist, photography instructor and internationally published environmental photographer based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He will share his passion for outdoor and nature photography.
November 19, 2024
We will go out and take photos at a special location.
November 26, 2024
Embrace the chill and capture the essence of cold! Show us what “cold” means to you. Treasure Hunt: The Letter F, Fox, Fence, Fallling & Fire Engine Red
November 26, 2024
We will look at the submissions for the Winter Competition and share the judges comments and scores.
January 7, 2025
A presentation focusing on the science of aurora, how to find them and how to capture their beauty
Submit January 9th and Review Submissions and Judges Comments February 25th Topics: Rules: Upload your images to our online Submissions Page
January 21, 2025
Scott will share how to use Lightroom and PhotoShop to turn good photos to great award winning photos. Members are encouraged to send their best Raw images and Scott will share his editing skills.
February 4, 2025
Photographing abandoned places day and night.
February 11, 2025
Award-winning and inter-nationally published photographer and severe weather chaser from Saskatchewan
February 18, 2025
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition.  The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be February 18, 2025. Competition Details
February 25, 2025
We will look at the submissions for the Winter Competition and share the judges comments and scores.
March 4, 2025
Ken Greenhorn is the current Camera Club photographer of the year. He will discuss his photos from concept to capture to the digital darkroom.
March 18, 2025
A 4-6 minute digital video of still images forming a theme. Send your Photo Presentation Title to [email protected]
March 25, 2025
Submit your best image that you shot in the past 2 years! Topics: Rules: Upload your digital images to our online Submissions Page
March 25, 2025
We will watch the photo presentations and also have them judged
Our club may submit 18 images to this competition.  The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be April 1, 2025. Competition Details.
My thoughts and techniques on where, when, why and how to take landscape (and other) photographs.
April 8, 2025
Join six of our members that share 10 photos. Photographers include Helen Brown, Mary Lou Fletcher, Jolanta Kondra, Howard Rushton, Emily Schindel and Angela Wasylow.
April 15, 2025
Judging for the Altered Reality, Portrait, Monochrome and Traditional Colour Categories
April 22, 2025
Tips, Tricks, Gear, and Eye Candy taking photos of Live Music
April 29, 2025
Annual General Meeting and the planning meeting to plan out the summer and next year.
May 6, 2025
A special meeting for a great meal and handing out awards.