CAPA Club Competitions

As the new season for the Saskatoon Photography Club  approaches just a reminder I will be putting out a call for images from our Saskatoon Camera Club members to be considered for each of the CAPA  competition we have chosen  to enter. Note that all of these competitions are digital competitions so no prints will be needed.
As indicated in a previous post it has been decided that the following CAPA competitions will be entered by the Saskatoon Photography Club. I have listed those competitions and have included a link to the CAPA website for each competition for your reference in the definitions, the criteria for each competition as well as the deadline for submission of your image for each competition.
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition. The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be October 1, 2024
Black and White
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition. The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be November 5, 2024
Our club may submit 6 images to this competition. The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be February 18, 2025
Prairie Zone
Our club may submit 18 images to this competition. The deadline to provide me with your one (1) digital image for consideration for this competition will be April 1, 2025.

Upload Your Images Today
I look forward to receiving some fabulous images from our Saskatoon Photography Club members!