Monthly Viewfinder for February

February is here and it feels like spring.  The ground has a nice layer of snow and the weather is simply amazing.  Get outside and shoot!

Here’s what’s going on at the Saskatoon Camera Club.  All meetings are at the Mayfair United Church (902-33rd Street West).

February 7:

Results Night for Nature Clinic: “Reflections”

February 14:

Members Workshop: “Table Top & Macro Photography”. Bring you camera.  Experiment and learn.

February 21:

The Art of Photography

Gain insight and inspiration at this interactive presentation with our member photographers Lyle Krahn, June McDonald, and Carlos Perucca

Submit for General Clinic:  “Night Photography”

Photographs taken between dusk & dawn.  Night photographers generally have a choice between using artificial light and using a long exposure, exposing the scene for seconds, minutes, and even hours in order to give the film or digital sensor enough time to capture a usable image. We want your best shots of architecture, planets, stars, city lights, fireworks, thunderstorms, amusement rides, nightlife, etc.   Painting with light is acceptable only in the Altered Reality category.

February 28:

Judging night for General Clinic:  “Night Photography”.  We start earlier at 6pm.


Check out Sask Photo News for more