
March 10 Guest Presenters: Don’s Photo They will bring some new equipment and answer question. Do you know how to clean your sensor??? Do you know what a slingshot bag is??? Come and learn many other interesting things. March 17 Election night and membership judging of submissions – Bring all prints and slides that were print or slide of the evening or month. Digital selections will be set up Membership will vote the best Print of the year, Best Slide of the year and Best digital projected of the year...
  • March 9, 2009
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Calling all Saskatchewan Amateur Photographers! Information for the 2009 SaskAmateur Photo Competitions is now available on the Regina Photo Club website! http://saskam.reginaphotoclub.com
  • March 4, 2009
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March 17: Slide/print of the month/evening must be brought into this meeting. Treasure Hunt: Slide and/or 4×6 prints ONLY. (No digital projected)Must be all 5 categories – (P, purple, playing, pottery, peacock) Landscape Print: Matted print ONLY Table top and Field Trip: slide, print, digital projected Register titles for slide or digital projected sets: Travelogue – 15 mins., Photo Essay – 10 mins., Mini Slide Set – 10 images for first time entrant ONLY
  • February 28, 2009
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All results for the clinics are up to date and available on the site link.
  • February 5, 2009
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February 3 – Results night – “Chaos” February 10: Show and Tell and Sell Instead of the annual auction we will have a flea market setting. Bring your items, set them up, show them off, sell them, take what’s left home andleave a donation for table usage for the club. Have a coffee, have a visit and go home with new treasures! Phase 2 – sale Thursday Jan. 29 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Pick up a brochure before to claim free prints, great enlargement rates and other offers only...
  • January 21, 2009
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