
Please note the new changes to the Clinic Sub-Categories Black and White/Monochrome, Traditional (Color), and Altered Reality (Creative)  Traditional To be considered Traditional, a photograph must be in color, look natural, and reasonably reflect the reality as seen at the time the image was taken. Techniques that enhance the presentation without changing the essential pictorial reality are therefore acceptable. Photography techniques shot in camera allowed: Lens Filters (color, polarizer, graduated filter) Tilt-shift lenses Lighting using flashes/strobes Long exposure (without sense of movement) Photography techniques shot in camera NOT allowed: Panning...
  • September 8, 2010
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The photos for the year-end categories (color, b&w, creative, portrait) have been judged and added to the website.  The results will be presented at the year-end meeting, but until then, you can enjoy the images that were submitted. Galleries: Remember:  If you submitted a print for the clinics or competitions and you would like to have the digital image added to the site, please email me the file.
  • April 2, 2010
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The results from the clinics have been posted. All files in Excel format.
  • February 2, 2010
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Need some inspiration for our 2009-2010 clinics? We, the executive, are guilty for getting the great ideas for the topics from other competitions so here are some links to help you create a masterpiece. Remember to watch out for those “Nature” competitions. Click clinic title for other inspiration for competitions:Song Titles (General Clinic – Sept 22nd) – Note when entering: Title of entry should be “Song Title – Artist”Ant’s View (Nature Clinic – Oct 20th)Shadows (Nature Clinic – Dec 8th)Candle Lit (General Clinic – Jan 19th) – *Note that this...
  • July 14, 2009
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The digital submissions and winners have been posted to the web site. The results lists are coming soon.
  • November 17, 2008
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