Club News

Saskatoon Camera Club News

Check out all the Year End entries and results. Year End Competitions Results:  PDF (Digital) | PDF (Prints) | Online Gallery
  • June 1, 2023
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We have had a change in presenters for our April 25th meeting. Mary Lou Fletcher will present on “Grid Road Photography — Month by Month Around Saskatoon.” Ron Cooley has been honing his skills in “Cross Polarized Crystal Photography.” He’ll be sharing with us a “How To” and then an amazing “Show and Tell.”  This is a Live Meeting at Mayfair United Church at 7 PM sharp. See you there! Banquet Tickets will also be available to purchase. The Banquet is being held at Queen’s House on Taylor Street. It starts at 7:00 pm. There...
  • April 20, 2023
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The Results and galleries for the Winter Competitions (Canada My Country, Photojournalism, Prairie Zone) are online.
  • January 30, 2023
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The results and galleries for the Fall competitions are now online.
  • January 19, 2023
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The results and online gallery for the High Key Low Key clinic are online.
  • January 4, 2023
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