Club News

Saskatoon Camera Club News

Meet in front of City Perks (801 7th Street North) at 7pm! Bruce Guenter will be leading this photo walk.
  • April 8, 2018
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Check out the 5 great Photo Presentations submitted this year.  
  • March 28, 2018
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The photo presentations on Tuesday March 27th will begin at 7pm, instead of the time on the program which says 6pm. Make sure to come out and see the fantastic presentations your fellow club members have put together!
  • March 25, 2018
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This Tuesday, March 20th, we will have 4 different presenters sharing their tips and workflows on editing your images.  Join Stephen Nicholson for Lightroom Editing, Scott Prokop for fast batch processing, Michael Murchison for luminosity masking in Photoshop and Ron Cooley with a surprise.
  • March 16, 2018
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Winter shooting at Meewasin Park (north on Spadina, along the river) on Tuesday, March 13th at 6:15-6:30pm as sunset is at 7:05ish. Michael Murchison will be there to meet you!  Check out the location on Google Maps.
  • March 10, 2018
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